IngotsEX is a trading service platform for digital asset meticulously built by the ingotsEX Foundation - a Technology and Digital Financial Group, with blockchain technology as the bottom structure.
Joint Declaration among Qingdao, Shanghai & Shenzhen to Establish Industrial Internet EcosystemIn 2020 World International Internet Conference Sub-forum "Shanghai·Shenzhen·Qingdao Industrial Internet Development Forum" held on September 20,Shanghai Industrial Internet Association, Shenzhen Industrial Internet Industry Association and Qingdao Industrial Internet Industry Alliance jointly issued the Joint Declaration on the Ecological Construction of Shanghai, Shenzhen and Qingdao (hereinafte
On the morning of September 20th, the World Industrial Internet Industry Conference and Rendanheyi Mode International Forum 2020, guided by the Chinese Academy of Engineering and sponsored by the Qingdao Municipal People's Government, opened at the Qingdao International Conference Center. With the theme of "Platform Casting Soul, Industry Building Base", experts and scholars from well-known univer
DeFi 2020 block is one of the biggest dark horse in the field of chain, all kinds of heat DeFi project, the project including star, such as Compound lockups worth more than $1 billion, this is a use block chain intelligence technology contract, decentralized agreement to replace the traditional based on the trust of the people or third party agencies, to build a transparent and open financial syst
The 2020 Overseas China (Shanghai) International Technology Fair (Online) will be held from SeptembeWith the theme of “Building a Robust Digital Infrastructure to Embrace the Internet Economy”, the 2020 Overseas China (Shanghai) International Technology Fair (Online) will be held from September 23 to 25, 2020 as the first-ever “cloud-based industry fair” to be held in the context of the “new normal” COVID-19 era.
We adore the kind of life that involves travelling around the world. Driven by tourism economy, the leisure and entertainment industry would normally flourish. However, with the advent of the 2020 pandemic, all this is paling. Nowadays, the most popular catchphrase is ‘life is more important than money’.
In 2020, more than 4 billion internet users are constantly generating data. According to statistics, each online user in the world generates more than 2.5 megabytes of data every day. There are about 100-400 billion stars in the vast galaxy. If the data of an MP3 song is transmitted to the stars, it only takes one month, and the total amount of data generated by human beings can fill all the stars
According to media reports in Geneva, Switzerland, Dchain DEX platform and the exchange based token DC will be officially launched on Oct.1st 2020(UTC+8). Users can purchase DC on Dchain DEX to activate the link relationship of itinerary promotion. 50% of the total output per day. In addition, Dchain DEX recruits creation nodes globally. Each node requires a studio offline and a community of 300 p
Tailaibao is also willing to join hands with everyone to achieve the dream: meet Tailaibao meet treasures, we create wealth together in Tailaibao!
IngotsEX is a trading service platform for digital asset meticulously built by the ingotsEX Foundation - a Technology and Digital Financial Group, with blockchain technology as the bottom structure.