Into the Classroom丨Flowers and Insects Exit Point
As a Tianjin international School , The Wellington International Primary Curriculum (IPC) offers a wide range of project-based learning for our pupils. The programme complements our primary programme through the National Curriculum for England. Projects can be between 1-6 weeks and cover various aspects of learning through science, art, literature, and humanities. As part of the programme, pupils work together in small or larger groups to discover and explore the world around them. At the end of the projects or exit points, pupils present their projects through different mediums, such as writing, maths, art, dioramas or video. Pupils learn new skills through teamwork, collaboration and research. In the latest exit point for year 2, they covered the world around them through the Flowers and Insects project.
Flowers and Insects
Are our pupils busy, or are they busy learning? This is the question that our teachers answer throughout each IPC unit – what improvements are being made to pupils’ learning as a result of studying this theme?
There are three areas of learning to reflect on, and three types of learning to assess.
Three Types of Learning
● Knowledge
● Skills
● Understanding
We differentiate between knowledge, skills and understanding to develop pupils’ learning.
Knowledge :efers to factual information.
Skills:refer to things pupils can do.
Understanding:refers to the development or ‘grasping’ of conceptual ideas and setting next steps for improvement.
During this unit, This Tianjin international school pupils explored different parts of a flower, insects such as the bee and ant and painted their own sunflowers based on the artist Van Gogh. We celebrated our learning by having an Ugly Bug Ball.